Leagues: Monday and Wednesday - Sign up Now! email us
Tournaments: email us
Call the Course for additional information and to register, (607) 637-2480
2023 Member - Guest
6th Annual Charles "Bucky" Buckley Memorial Tournament TBA Come out and help us celebrate the life of Bucky with a day of golf and laughs!
4 Man Captain & Crew 18-Hole Tournament. $55 per person, includes hot dogs/hamburgers at the turn and a BBQ Chicken Dinner. Prizes for Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin. Other Contests to be announced the day of! Proceeds will go the Kate Resti Memorial Fund. Sign up via our
Facebook Page, or Call the Course (607) 637-2480,
Don Ellis Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament 11 AM Tee Off. Call the Course for additional information and to register. (607) 637-2480 Proceeds to benefit the Don Ellis Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
For more information on all Events and Tournaments call 607-637-2480, or email us
One Greens Fee - Any Day!